Sunday, December 22, 2019

Earning with a Blog: Guide and Tips!

Earning with a Blog: Guide and Tips!

Earning with a Blog: Guide and Tips!
Earning with a Blog: Guide and Tips!
Working from home is an activity that can be performed in different ways. In fact, more and more economic activities in the "real" world are finding more than positive feedback on the "virtual" internet.

We speak, for example, of those who have some specific knowledge in one of the many sectors of this company, and decide to open their own web space (Blog, specialized site, portal, etc ...) in which to share and advertise their skills. Not everyone is aware that having your own blog or your own web space where writing about personal interests (e.g. sports, cooking, current affairs, IT, finance) is potentially an excellent opportunity to earn money online in a legal way and also a lot conspicuous.

One of the easiest and most popular ways to start making money with the internet is to buy a web space and deal with "Blogging", that is to say to fill these pages with articles or news relevant to one's own sphere of interests such as the kitchen, sports, finance, economics, etc., etc.

Blog: Definition, create it, manage it and earn

In the past, the Blog was conceived as a personal diary, where everyone wrote their own experiences, their adventures, therefore, instead of writing in their own diary by hand, they opened a blog and reported what they generally wrote in the diary paper.

Today the conception of the Blog has changed a lot, today companies also have Blogs, so it is something highly professional.

It can be considered as a kind of interactive online newspaper, where you can write articles, also called posts, and users can read and possibly comment.

Precisely for the possibility of participating in the discussion through comments, it differentiates it from the classic static sites, because this allows you to create an interactive relationship between the writer and the commentator, giving rise to any useful exchanges of ideas and opinions, for general growth , which can only be good for everyone. Monetizing your blog is the goal of many web enthusiasts. The blog has a unique feature, it is immediate and also fun, so why not monetize it? An easy way is to rent your own blog space by giving advertising space to a dealership.

Today, with this article, we want to go further trying to find an alternative solution to your blog-portfolio.

The sale of advertising space requires that a blog is already started and with some traffic, it is obvious that an advertiser wants guarantees to get a return in terms of sales. Let's go to the side of those who buy advertising space on blogs, the paths that a company that wants to advertise its product can take are two:

  • A blog that, even with a low number of visitors but leader of a specific sector of interest of the company;
  • A blog with millions of visitors (and we don't add anything else).
  • Now, you just have to analyze your blog and find the solution to your desire to earn money ... follow our tips:
  • Offer different solutions to the advertising banner, for example a dedicated page.

Dedicate a page of your blog to the spaces on sale and allow the reader to understand your reputation as an advertiser thanks to the feedback released by those who have already purchased advertising from your blog.

Try to attract the attention of a competitor in order to entice him to create competition also on your blog and therefore to buy a more relevant advertising space.

When a new advertiser enters your space, report it in order to create greater interest and attention to those who follow you.
If you want to start monetizing your blog you just have to follow my suggestions, and for any doubt, "contact me", let's try together to maximize your needs in monetary terms.

We don't look for money, we like the idea that our readers are successful thanks to our suggestions, let's share them and find the solutions to your new business.

How to create a blog

You can simply decide to open a Blog completely on your own, even if you are inexperienced, without having to pay someone, and totally free of charge.

The risk of opening it alone, however, will be to make several mistakes, therefore, if you do not feel confident, it is advisable to get help from someone who is more experienced, by opening a professional Blog, being able to direct it yourself.

To manage a Blog, for example, the knowledge of HTML is not necessary, but if you feel the need to be guided, at least in the first steps, there are also platforms that help you manage your Blog with ease.

For those wishing to create professional blogs, there are appropriate platforms, which among other things guarantee assistance, visibility, and which moreover have features that allow you to publish any content from any location, choosing the plan that will best suit your needs. , and in addition they offer a wide choice of options for customizations.

It is important not to underestimate how difficult it is to create and carry out a blog, many often abandon it after only a few published posts.

Building a blog is a fascinating undertaking, but it will be necessary to plan an effective strategy, because only in this way can good results be achieved, leaving as little space as possible to inaccuracy.

It is advisable to evaluate which topic to choose for which you have real passion, and which above all interests a significant slice of web users.

Building a blog in a niche with a lot of demand, but for which you have no passion, will lead you to abandon your project in a short time. On the contrary, creating a blog in a niche that you are passionate about, but which is already saturated, will risk giving little visibility to your efforts.

Opening a blog today is a very trendy and not at all difficult operation, which can be carried out in half an hour of time even by those who do not have specific skills in the field.

Having said that, the first thing you need to know before purchasing a web space is that we can turn to one of the many services that offer free internet space.

Although it is very easy to find those who offer us free web space on the internet, our advice is to contact professional hosting companies and buy our personal internet space and build our new business.

This will allow us to have maximum control over the content and structure of our Blog.

After purchasing our "hosting plan" (web space), we move on to the actual construction of the website (in our case Blog).

One of the most popular editorial platforms for building blogs or websites is that of WordPress.

WordPress is an "Open source" editing platform distributed free of charge, with which you can professionally build and manage any blog or internet portal.

Returning to the title of this article, to earn through a Blog it is necessary that it is filled with interesting content, information or news that will have a certain number of visitors (readers).

Content is the fundamental element of any website, and it is for this reason that it must be kept constantly updated through news and daily articles.

How to make money with a blog

Now that we have started posting interesting content on our blog, the time has come to make our content known to internet users.

The first advertising tool that we can use for free to advertise our Blog or website, is to create a Facebook page and fill it with "links" or explicit references to the contents already published on our Blog.

Earning with a Blog means converting the number of people who visit our website (Blog) into cash.

To do this, it is necessary to insert some advertising references called "Banners" within our web pages, through which we will generate our earnings.

  • An "advertising banner" is the equivalent of an invitation to try products or services of interest to our users / visitors, or which have a certain correlation with the contents of our Blog.
  • For example, if our Blog deals with cooking, the "advertising banners" will have to refer to this sector (pots, ingredients, foods, etc ...).

At this stage it is very important not to get carried away, and not to insert too many advertisements.

In fact, internet visitors do not like to browse blogs or pages with too many advertisements.

For many it remains an impossible operation, such as those who wonder how it is possible to earn with the Internet.

If you want to make money with a blog, before anything else, you will have to create a professional and non-amateur blog, because you will risk making a lot of mistakes and wasting time, so it is advisable not to report your personal adventures , but which must be made up of articles with quality content, such as, for example, offering one's own experience, offering what you know about a specific area.

The first thing you will have to do, if you want to start making money with a blog, will be to decide which area you want to deal with, it is advisable to understand what your inclinations are, to which sector you are heading.

Opening a blog on a certain sector means first of all making a correct analysis of the competition, there are free tools offered by some portals on the internet, which will allow you to check how many people are interested in that type of topic, how much competition and how much demand there will be interested in that specific sector, and consequently also how much offer there will be.

Based on these investigations, it will be possible to decide whether or not to develop that type of topic.

In case there is a lot of competition, but you will be able to offer a better service, you will not have to worry about this, because the important thing, whether you work offline, that is for example in a shop, or that you work online, such as with a blog, it will be to guarantee quality, a greater type of service, even for free.

When you decide to work online, you will have the opportunity to immediately offer a service, precluding the possibility of having contact with your users, therefore, opening for example an E-Commerce, which is nothing more than a site where you can sell your products, this may be fine, but if you aim for a good indexing, with this method it remains more complicated, because for example Google indexes a lot of content.

If you want to build a blog out of pure passion, that is, if you don't have the ambition to have thousands of visits a day, a free hosting platform is more than good.

Instead, if you want to build a blog linked to a business project, it is recommended to buy a second level domain. You will spend extra money, but you will have maximum freedom of action, that is, you will not be obliged to respect the conditions of use of those who host you on your web space. You can therefore create a blog with the degree of personalization you prefer.

Tools needed to be able to have your visibility on the web and study the market:

  • A tool to identify our eventual restricted and defined group of consumers;
  • A tool that will allow you to monetize with our Blog. Usually, enrollment in the program is free. It is advisable to register when you have visits on your blog;
  • A tool or site where it will be possible to share every article you write, are essential to make the Blog visible to others, also through searches on Google;
  • A tool to monitor the positioning of our articles.
  • How to manage a blog

The first thing to do will be to carry out various market analyzes and then open the Blog. It will be important to make yourself known for what you are and for what you know, through the Blog you have the opportunity to write articles, or create videos and then publish them, communicating, dealing with topics that you know best.

All if done with care, in a clear, concise, and honest way, users will follow the Blog, and they will trust with more confidence, because when users understand your value, consequently their confidence in you will increase.

It is important to interact dynamically with users, through comments on the Blog, or through a forum, or even through the newsletter that can be sent to them, for example, daily, or once a week, etc. ...

Once the number of users has become numerous, it will be possible to decide whether to create an infoproduct, that is a digital product, in the case of the web, which contains specific and updated information on a specific topic.

It is an informative product, which helps someone to do a specific activity better, for example, an e-book, or a book in digital format, which can be in pdf, or an audio course that can be in mp3 format, etc. therefore, you will have to create a product that will give additional information. It will be necessary to create a product that has excellent quality, and that before distributing it has been well studied and well thought out.

The profession of Blogging: Is it right for you?

Well, I have to admit there are days when blogging is the last thing I feel like doing.

Fortunately, those days are few and far between.

Here is a list of questions that will help you evaluate whether blogging is a job suited to your personality and lifestyle.

Do you like communicating with people?

I mean ... do you really like communicating with people, fostering relationships and increasing readers? The most successful bloggers also respond to comments from their blog readers "just as they involve people on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media sites."

Do you have an interesting topic enough to talk about it on an ongoing basis?
The best blogs are created around a central or "niche" theme, namely an activity or topic of interest such as travel, food, parents, personal growth, etc ...

The published articles are almost always relevant to the central theme.

If you like writing, speaking or making video blogs by attracting traffic from search engines (primarily through written text), then if you intend to share your messages via podcasts or video recordings; online transcription services, then you will find that they are all useful means for the success of your blog.

Do you enjoy learning and discovering new skills?

The thought of learning how to install a WordPress blog and different themes (or appearances) can be intimidating for some people, don't worry! you can always hire someone to set up your blog. Are you a self-starter? you just need to be self-motivated and self-disciplined to start a blog and keep working until success - or hire people to do the job for you.

Do you have time to invest in your blogging business?

Until your blog is well established with rich and interesting content and a constant audience, it is necessary to plan a daily job.

This is not as difficult as it seems.

In addition to creating content (articles, videos) for your site, much of your time will have to be spent moderating and responding to readers' comments.

Are you patient and persistent?

Are you willing to continue working on your blog, even when no one seems to pay attention to it? Persistence and perseverance are perhaps the most important characteristics of a successful blogger.

If you answered yes to all these questions, you are also ready to undertake this activity.

5 Rules for creating a successful blog

Opening a blog still represents one of the best opportunities to turn your passions into a real opportunity to make money online.

Webinars, online courses, consultancy, marketing and so on, many of the most successful bloggers on the internet, in fact, started this kind of online activity almost as a game, putting their personal experiences or personal knowledge in "black on white" disparate sectors of civil society.

The consequence of the fact that many of these people live only on this new type of business, lies in the fact that many people are looking for a way to increase the profits deriving from their Blog, by looking online for tricks, tips and strategies to obtain the maximum profit from your web page.

Our initiative aims to support those who are about to buy an internet domain and open a personal website or blog.

Goal and purpose of the Blog

It is clear, the first rule when you intend to set up a website or blog that works is to set specific goals and purposes.

In this sense, it is very useful to establish a work plan and to establish a "budget" from the beginning and, in the event that we make use of the collaboration of third parties, roles and skills.

Find the target audience

What in English is defined as the "Target" of the Blog, or the type of audience we target.
It is very important, in fact, to keep in mind the "end consumer", those who, eventually, will purchase our products or services.

In this sense, we will take care of the contents, paying close attention to ensuring that they are as close as possible to the tastes and trends of our followers.

Blog creation

  • For a few tens of Euros we can buy "Templates" of WordPress sites that are very well made and aesthetically valid.
  • A good part of its success is linked to the aesthetic aspect of a blog.
  • Being able to represent content through graphics at the service of content is a fundamental starting point with which to present ourselves to our audience.

Which Hosting to choose

Have you ever had the experience of surfing a slow or problematic website or blog?
If yes, then, you have already understood the importance of relying on professional "Hosting" services. If our goal is to build a blog that has a "long life", let's rely on paid hosting services and forget about the free ones.

Free sharing and representation

  • Sharing and representing part of our experiences for free is a great way to increase the number of visitors to our site over time.
  • Original content, free and always updated, are the three key principles of a successful Blog.

Make money with a sports blog

  • It is now a dream of many young guys to be able to become a famous and successful blogger, with the intention of making money online from this activity.
  • Earning online with a blog is a consolidated reality, but it must be said, however, that being able to make a profit thanks to this tool has become quite difficult.
  • In fact, it is necessary to devote time and work, because it is not an activity left to chance.

You need to know how to make the most of every type of tool available from the Net.

Only in this way is it possible to obtain a return, thanks to certain actions that we will see in the next paragraphs.

Having said that, today we will talk about a particular type of blog that has established itself on the web, the sports blog, or a site that usually deals with a specific kind of sport, in fact.
We will see above all how it is possible to make money online with sport blogging and what are the cases that have been successful.

The ways to make money with a sports blog

  • Obviously once you have created the structure of a blog and thought about which type of sport to treat, it is necessary that as many users as possible visit your site.
  • Once you have obtained a certain position and a consolidation on the web, then it will be possible to insert, for example, advertising within your sports blog.
  • There are several online advertising systems available, which through a URL with a code to insert in our blog, analyze the content of the site and then show the advertising messages in line with the theme of the blog.

The best known company, which offers this type of service, is definitely Google, through Google Adsense. The latter has no activation costs or special links and allows you to obtain an economic return every time a banner inserted in our blog is displayed or clicked.

Once the registration is completed, there is the possibility to choose what type of advertising to insert in our blog from:

  • Google AdSense for content automatically generates advertisements compatible with the page on which they will be inserted;
  • Adsense for search allows the inclusion of a sponsored search box in our blog;
  • Adsense for video generates advertising videos.
  • After inserting the advertising banners in our blog, the next step will be to entice users to click as much as possible on the advertising on the pages, for this reason and not only is it important to write content of interest, to increase traffic on the site.

  • In addition, there is another possibility of earning in this sense, it is the so-called affiliation. It works similarly to advertising, but with the substantial difference that is earned only if the user, after clicking on the advertising banner, buys that specific product or service advertised.
  • For example, he is visiting a football blog and sees an advertising banner that sponsors the shoes, decides to buy them. Then the blog owner starts making money online.

An alternative to earn: sponsorship of companies

Another way to make money online with our blog comes from corporate sponsorships. In exchange for a cash consideration, the blog owner will grant an advertising space to insert the company name.

Sponsorships can also take place through social networks, such as:

  • Facebook;
  • Twitter;
  • Instagram.
  • In this case, the blogger becomes an influencer who advertises a certain product or service through posts, videos and photos.

For this and to better retain the user it is essential to create official blog pages on the most used social networks.

Remember, once you reach a high number of views, everything will be easier, even involving companies in the sports sector.

The success stories of sports blogs

In Italy most of the successful sports blogs concern national sport, or football.
Among the most famous football blogs are, a general overview of everything related to Italian football, but also Mailbox24, where emails sent by fans to the blog editorial staff are published and put online.

A list of success stories:

  • For fantasy football: we must obviously mention;
  • For five-a-side football: it is worth mentioning, the portal dedicated to this particular discipline, with the latest news;
  • For basketball: there is, a site that brings together all the fans of this sport. While for volleyball,;
  • For tennis: there is, the first Italian site dedicated to this sport.
  • Monetize with your blog through affiliations

Affiliate programs are one of the ways to make money with a blog, the other way is advertising. Both of these methods are used to improve the promotion and sale of your products or services.

When it comes to affiliate blogging, Google AdWords and Google AdSense immediately pop up. Both are used for a low-cost income solution to promote services and products.

Those who work online prefer to place their ads with Google AdWords which combined with a PPC campaign, allows the display of indexed websites and small non-indexed sites or blogs.

An effective way to make money passively

Owning a BLOG today is a trend that can be monetized. A blog can be a spring for the search engines and traffic that generate a gold mine.

A study has shown that Internet users prefer affiliate programs like AdSense for affiliate BLOGs, as they are very effective as a passive way of making money with a blog.

  • Features and advice for guaranteed success
  • Blogs integrate better with AdSense;
  • The blog must be exclusive and innovative;
  • A blog is not just about impressions and clicks;
  • The blog must contain a strong niche of users connected to a relevant affiliate program with the blog;
  • A niche blog is one of a kind, innovative and with relevant content;
  • The income from a Blog does not depend on the popularity of the blog itself or on the page rank;
  • Must give information;
  • It is updated at least weekly;
  • Don't insert too much advertising;
  • Your blog is visible;
  • Make it clear to the user that you are online to give information not to earn money with a product or service;
  • create a continuous flow of traffic;
  • The blog must be democratic and open to everyone's opinion.
  • The blog has an advantage derived from consistency with affiliate programs;
  • Ultimately choosing an affiliate program for a blog seems to be a winning choice;
  • It has been ascertained that the blog works well in the field of internet marketing;
  • It is necessary to do research in the field and have a thorough knowledge of the program;
  • We need to trust the products that are being promoted;
  • Blogs are another way of making money online.
  • Making money with a blog, the importance of purchasing hosting
  • If you want to make money online with a blog, the first thing you need to do is buy hosting, which makes it the most important decision for your new business.

There are many aspects to consider for this important decision, in fact:

  • The hosting server is basically, therefore it is important to choose a web host that suits your needs;
  • There are many hosting providers available on the market, but not all of them are excellent suppliers;
  • Hosting strongly influences web positioning.
  • From these few lines we have understood the importance of buying good hosting, in order to obtain the best performance for our websites.

The purchase of the services by a web hosting provider means that the company has access to your website to store and serve the visitor who accesses your pages.

From here it is easy to understand the importance of buying a hosting is that you deliver valuable information about users who pass on our site or register.

Valuable tips for buying hosting

As we have seen, the creation of a blog to make your earnings passes first of all, for the purchase of a hosting so that people can access it.

To make your dream come true, web hosting companies provide huge Internet-connected servers that allow customers to upload any type of file once they have purchased hosting.

By purchasing a hosting space, you buy the privileges of adding a site on the internet, on a particular type of computer called a web server. When a user types an Internet address or performs a search through Google or any other search engine, it will be possible to consult the web page.

Important to understand that: if a server falls due to connection problems, even your site will no longer be visible, consequently the website can no longer be reached by users. This explains why at the beginning of the article we advised you to seek good hosting for your blog, because interrupting a service can jeopardize your goal of making money with a blog.

The number of valid companies are many, only a search is needed, the next step is to buy the domain, and the website can be built on the chosen server.

As we have seen, the purchase of a hosting is an important and personal choice and it certainly takes time to evaluate and compare the advantages and disadvantages of the different web hosting packages that you will find on the market.

Earn through Google Adsense

More and more often we hear about possibilities to work from home and make money online, and not only, also of a series of guides and specific manuals to obtain easy results without taking the risk of getting out of your own pocket.

The possibility of creating a secondary salary therefore, to round off the current one, begins to become more and more concrete and achievable.

Whichever option is right for you, there are certain steps that you cannot help but follow if you are serious about making money online with a blog.

But before starting to analyze them, we want to make you aware of the fact that to create a successful blog it takes a lot of time and work, for this reason it is extremely important to learn how to use all the tools made available to the network properly.

To earn online effectively with a blog, you need to insert advertisements by registering with one of the many advertising systems available on the internet.
These are systems that provide HTML code to be included in your blog; this analyzes the content of the site by intelligently showing themed advertisements.

Google Adsense represents one of the most famous advertising services available on the internet, without activation costs.

This platform allows you to earn money from the views or clicks made on the ads or banners that are placed within the blog.

To get started just connect to the Google Adsense website and log in with your Gooogle account or create one, and fill in the form with the data of our site.

Once registration is complete, you can manage the type of advertising to be included on the blog, choosing from:

AdSense for content

Ads of this type are selected based on the content of the page they are placed on.

Adsense for search

Ads of this type allow you to insert a sponsored search box in the blog.

Adsense for video

Ads of this type generate advertising videos.

In addition to Google Adsense, there are also other services used to earn through advertising to be included in your site / blog and among these Tradedoubler and Bidvertiser, both very valid.

Are you ready? It begins!

The 5 steps to make money with a blog
The "fashion" of making money online has taken hold in a disarmed way, so much so that, today, there are many ways to do it. The favorite of the youth world is to make money online by creating a blog.

But why create a blog brings profit?

Because by creating an interesting blog, it is possible to attract millions of users, who, with the passing of days, months and years, will make you get as much traffic as reliability within the world of the web.

To do this, however, you need continuous and daily work, because although it is possible to work from the comfort of your own home, you still need to devote a lot of time and effort to it.

We have analyzed 5 basic steps that you will have to take before you can start making money online with your new blog.

The first step is to have an idea of ​​what you want to accomplish
Before buying a domain and hosting where you can start opening your blog, it is essential to have viewed and analyzed the work of your blogger competitors for a long time, so you can understand what are the strong points of a blog, study the best techniques to make it interesting. So steal as much as you can with your eyes!

The second step is to buy a domain and hosting

There are domain and hosting packages that allow you to be purchased together. If you already own your own domain instead you will only have to worry about buying a hosting. We strongly advise you to buy one that gives you the best services, so the service you will use must be provided with:

  • 24h assistance;
  • Automatic backup of database and space;
  • Unlimited space and sub-domains;
  • Practical administrator panel PhpMyAdmin;
  • Control panel (Manage DNS, backup etc);
  • Easy-to-use file manager.
  • The third step is the choice of the template
  • Once you have chosen the perfect hosting for you, you can start with WordPress, from here on you will have to start choosing the most suitable template for your blog, plugins etc.

As for the themes, also called templates, it is important to choose one suitable for what you want to achieve. Those made available by WordPress are not many, but there are special sites where you can buy just what is right for you like This site is the most used because it really collects many themes at a good price.

As for plugins, there are some that should not be missing from your site, first of all, it is essential that your site is provided with:

A contact form plugin

  • A plugin that manages to eliminate all spam comments that are inserted by outsiders
  • A Google Analytics plugin that allows you to show which users visit your blog
  • The fourth step is to write the articles
  • But before you start doing it, you'll need to:

  • Install an easy and readable navigation menu
  • Insert pages and categories
  • Enter a catchy title
  • See which keywords are "strong" to understand how effective the topic it will address.

After evaluating these elements, you can start writing your article, but remember to also insert images that manage to capture the user's attention.

Once this is done, you will need to focus on how you will have to attract users to your site to start making money online, so you will need to specialize in at least:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization);
  • Content marketing;
  • Social Media marketing.
  • Or, you can safely rely on an expert specialist who already deals with this. For example, an SEO Specialist, will know how to get you the results you want to achieve and climb the top of Google in less time than what you would put in it, you are a novice. Indeed, since the art of SEO is really difficult, help from an expert, at least initially, is essential.

  • The fifth and final step is to monetize your blog
  • The moment you start to see that many users visit your site and are intrigued, you can start monetizing your blog by subscribing to the program offered by Google, Google Adsense. when you sign up and accept the conditions and rules of use, you will have to proceed with entering your personal data and send the application.
  • From here on you will have to wait for the response from Google, which if it is positive, will send you a link to activate your Adsense account and start making money online.

There are three types of advertising that can be done with Adsense:

  • Based on the Contents
  • Based on Research
  • Based on the videos
  • Once you have chosen the option that interests you most, Google provides you with a code that you can insert in your blog.
  • When you reach earnings of at least 70 euros, you can collect your earnings by transferring to your bank account.

Earning with a blog: who has succeeded

To earn with a blog, it is fundamental to consider it an INVESTMENT, keeping the goal to the end, despite difficulties and possible discomforts. You can be successful with a blog, even in Italy where the monetization of certain projects is always struggling to take off.
It is a path that we recommend if you have the courage to make yourself heard, through the word, through the web, especially with a good dose of ambition.

The experiences of those who have really managed it, serve more than many illusory techniques that explain how to make money on the web.

We share with you the testimonies of many Italians, today famous bloggers, who share their tactics, techniques to succeed in this project.

  • Robin Good, with the MasterNewMedia blog, distributes useful tips and tactics for developing online projects
  • His blog was born in 1998 and today boasts an email list of 35,000 subscribers. Its strong point is to develop content in multiple languages, focusing the interests on a few topics instead. The economic source that enters the blog is divided into 'POP Campus' subscribers, 'Courses & Toolkits', 'AdSense', advertisers and consultancy.

How to make money online with a cooking blog and recipes

By means of the web today many people have succeeded and manage to turn their hobby or passion into a job that gives them the opportunity to round up their income thanks.

We dedicate ourselves to blogs aimed at specific sectors by examining the possibilities of making money with a cooking and / or recipes blog, since the world of cuisine bewitches more and more people, to push them to open a blog to share their experiences with everyone culinary.

Make money online with a cooking blog and recipes: AdSense

Using AdSense advertising is an alternative, but it is good to make other predictions because there are other ways to improve your earnings. If most visitor traffic comes from reading your recipes, AdSense can help you out. In addition to AdSense you can use another type of banner, a PPC (pay per click, you are paid every time someone clicks on the advertisement) or CPM (you are paid based on the number of views of the banners themselves).

Earn money online with a cooking blog and affiliations

It is possible that the reader is interested in purchasing specific ingredients or tools that, for example, you are using in your recipes. It is up to you to direct the user to a specific advertisement that can be useful to him, as well as to you the economic income from the sale of the object of the advertisement.

Here then are the affiliations. Affiliation consists of selling other people's goods and services or getting users to register on certain sites, receiving a percentage or a fixed amount every time something is purchased or a user signs up.

We recommend two ways to accomplish this: the first is to affiliate with Amazon, the largest online store, from which you can get product links by earning a percentage of the sales produced by the blog pages.

If your blog or recipe site reaches a moderate success with a large number of visitors, it will be profitable to contact companies that produce culinary tools such as Thermomix or Cooking Chef or those of kitchen products to suggest the insertion of sponsored articles.

In addition, there are also specific templates for a recipe blog or cooking site on WordPress CMS to make your site even more attractive.

Earning online with a recipe or cooking blog is usually possible, however it needs the right commitment and the right passion, basic features for anyone who decides to start making money with a blog, of any kind it is and whatever topic it deals with .

How to find advertisers for your blog

  • Which blogger has never dreamed of breaking away from a few earnings made with google Adsense to sell his advertising space directly?
  • It is an important step that requires certain characteristics of the site / blog such as to make the insertion of advertising or a pay per impression sitemap attractive.

The first step is certainly to carry out an accurate search for the topic covered by your blog / site, how? searching for it with keywords, keywords, which could bring you back to your site / blog. If during the search you come across sites / blogs similar to yours, take the opportunity to catch the good things they have done and copy them. If you want to rely on an affiliate program, you must ensure that that program is closely related to what is covered by your site / blog, in practice it must be an extension of its site / blog.

At this point you have to make a strategic choice, which is a function of the quality of your site / blog and the type of users who frequent it:

Insert banners at a fixed price;

  • Establish a fixed or variable percentage of sales made.
  • The hunt for the holy grail (for advertisers)
  • It must also come from your initiatives, before an advertisement comes looking for you, a site / blog of a certain importance must mature.

So if the mountain doesn't go to Muhammad, you have to look for the first customers for yourself, where? you can start with those who turn to traditional advertising media such as newspapers and magazines to offer them online advertising and then move on to those who are already online with poorly indexed sites and try to bring them on yours, showing that with keywords directed to sponsors your site / blog offers more revenue opportunities.
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