Practical guide to create your video. With the YouTube Editor
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Practical guide to create your video. With the YouTube Editor |
Let's say you also want your rightful place in the sun by vlogger or youtuber. Whether it's a video with kittens playing the piano, a necessary video response to the last delirium of GemmaDelSud or even a fundamental risottotitolazione of La Caduta, you have the right to it, not just those who are practical for editing! This is why YouTube has long given way to the less savvy (or the lazy) and above all without video editing software (although almost all Windows copies include Movie Maker) to make up for the deficiency thanks to a web video editor based directly accessible from the browser.
YouTube Editor is the perfect tool for the vlogger that has no time to waste. As we know that a real vlogstar video is shot in just one very long take, it is also true that not everyone can manage to hold the scene all that time (not at least at the beginning) and above all that, we know, the real viral video is a sharp and precise mix between something sensational that actually happens in front of the camera and a small change in the editing phase (a music, a subtitle, a combination ..) that turns it into the perfect sharing object.
First the clips. The result of the editing work will be a video that will have inside itself clips of several other videos, perhaps with an added audio background, it is important to know that, first of all, these clips must be loaded on their own channel. In the case of videos shot for the occasion, it is first necessary to transfer them to the computer from the video camera and then upload them to YouTube, in the case of a videodiario, a video reply, a video confession or something on the fly with the webcam already attached to the computer it is possible to use the YouTube Video Record function (so it is not necessary to upload the upload but it all happens in one fell swoop), in the end if you need the pieces of video already present on YouTube you must first download those videos on hard disk (to do this, just replace the part with in the address bar of the video, leaving the rest unchanged, so you are redirected to another site with small buttons to download the video in question) and then upload it again but this time on your account.
Ok now that you have the videos from which to take the clips already uploaded to your account you can go to the page of the editor. Here the interface is quite intuitive: on the left are your videos, the ones you can use to compose the final result, on the right there is a preview of what the new video will look like (it updates automatically with each change), under the part where you list the videos you are using for your editing (with relative time priority from left to right) and below the audio (if you want to add it or change it).
Take the video from which to extract the first clip and drag it to the timeline, that is the section under the player, you will see that it remains there and overlay two scissors appear, clicking them leads to the screen in which to cut it. To cut it you will decide which part to take of the video in question. If the one you are interested in has happened at the fifth minute of an 8-minute clip, just move the vertical bar to the left (the one above “0.00”) up to the fifth minute or where you need it. This tool is very precise, you can move it roughly by dragging it or click on the small arrow to move forward by just a few frames. The same thing must then be done with the other vertical bar, the one on the right that must mark where the clip to be taken ends. Once finished press save to return to the home screen and see in the preview if the cut came well. By repeating the operation for all the clips you need, you can put together different pieces or different parts of the same video.
For audio, if you want to add it, you need to click on the eponymous tab at the top of the window with your videos. You thus have access to the tracks of AudioSwap a service, also by YouTube, which provides free music, or better: for which the copyright holders have decided to allow their free use on YouTube. So you are sure that the RIAA, together with the MPAA and with the approval of the FIMI and the FAPAV will not fall into your home at 6 am in a raiding party because you would have mixed a copyrighted piece adding Vuvuzelas.
Once the work of juxtaposing images is finished (jargon is called "audiovisual juxtaposition", it is important!) And of audio substitution, when the video is ready and you have checked from the preview that there is not some clamorous black hole in half, only the publication phase remains. Above the player for the preview there is the field in which to insert the title the "Publish" button. From that moment on it is done, it remains only to wait for the safe arrival of the avalanche of comments and registrations to your channel.